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Creative ways to boost your social media

Social Media has grown and is here to stay. Businesses are starting to take social media seriously as we all have seen what the power of social media can do. There is no hiding away from it. Some people even consider you don’t exist if you don’t have an account on popular social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

So now that we understand that socual media is important, whats next?

Create content

This is where a lot of businesses struggle. Creating content for social media isn’t the same as creating an advertisement. The key to creating meaningful content is first understanding that Social media is a way of engaging with your customers.

I always ask my clients, who they follow and why?

Creating content is a way for your business to showcase your work, services, and products. It’s also a way to interact with your audience and to gain important and relevant feedback.


Here are some examples of some creative content ideas from various different businesses that help create engagement:

High quality food/product photography

Run Competitions

Running online competitions is a great way to create a buzz and increase engagement.

The tricky part is figuring out what type of competition you want to run and what is the end goal.

Below are a few examples of a few proven strategies that have worked:

Instagram: Tag a friend

This is a well-known strategy that is simple but a very effective way to ramp up the followers and engagement on your account.

It’s important you make it clear to your audience that you’re running a competition. This will instantly grab the attention of your audience and will increase the chances of them taking part.

Also, don’t forget to mention how to enter the competition and what the prize will consist of.

I know this may seem very obvious but you’d be surprised how many people forget this part.

Selfie Contest

You can ask your audience to send or tag you in their pics with a selfie of them with your product.

This will help to increase the reach of your account and can lead to an increase in followers.

This shows new potential customers that your current customers are happy with your products, which will help their purchasing decisions.

Here are some other social media ideas to help increase engagement which we will be diving deeper in another blog post.

  • Start a podcast
  • Use the ‘live’ feature
  • Use stories